Loans to companies

Loans to companies – it is a loan for entrepreneurs. Usually such loans are taken to pay debts on bills, to invest in a business.


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Amount: 500౼25000 EUR
Term: 3౼120 months
Interest: from 6.9 % per year
Age: 18౼75 years
Processing time: 30 min.
Registration: -

Piemērs: ņemot aizdevumu 5 000 EUR ar termiņu uz 5 gadiem, kreditoru komisijas maksa – 8%, gada procentu likme (GPL) – 10,78 %, kopējā summa, kas jāmaksā patērētājam – 6 415,59 EUR. Ikmēneša maksājums ir 106,93 EUR. Reprezentatīvs piemērs auto kredītam ar 6.9% likmi atmaksas piemērs: ņemot aizdevumu 8 000 EUR ar termiņu uz 5 gadiem, kreditoru komisijas maksa – 8%, gada procentu likme (GPL) – 10,67%, kopējā summa, kas jāmaksā patērētājam – 10 240,50 EUR. Ikmēneša maksājums ir 170,68 EUR.

LatKredits – Quality Loan Services!

Company financial decision LatKredits offers all types of loans, unification of loans, buying real estate, and other extras. We want to give you the opportunity to realize their goals today! LatKredits – Quality services, favorable conditions, individual approach, experienced professionals! Наша команда LatKredits Our team consists of high-level professionals with extensive experience in matters of lending and real estate buying and selling.

