Credits in Croatia

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Credits in Croatia

Krediti u Hrvatskoj

Katalog zajmova i kreditnih društava u Hrvatskoj, preporuke i usporedba zajmova, krediti u Hrvatskoj s cjelovitim informacijama, kamatnim stopama i primjerima troškova.

Catalog of loan offers and credit companies in Croatia, recommendations and comparison of loans, loans in Croatia with complete information, loan terms, interest rates and examples of cost, ratings and reviews.

Latest updates:
  • 31.07.2023 FerratumBank – participation paused
  • 18.01.2023 FerratumBank – participation renewed
  • 29.12.2022 FerratumBank – participation paused
  • 13.08.2020 BrzePozajmice – new credit company
  • 26.06.2020 LiderPress – new credit company
  • 15.03.2020 FerratumBank – new credit company

Short-term, Consumer credits in Croatia
Kratkoročni, Potrošački krediti u Hrvatskoj

Consumer credits in Croatia – it is a loan for a significant amount of money and for up to 5 years. Such loans are taken to purchase expensive goods, to pay for medical services, to travel or rest, to study, to celebrate, as well as to repair housing or cars. Features: online registration at any time, no collateral required, quick loan decision, quick receipt of money to the account, available with a negative credit history or for people working abroad, flexible terms and a big range of amounts, large commissions (in non-banking sector).



Short-term, Consumer credits

Amount: 50౼4000 EUR
Term: 15 days ౼ 18 months
Interest: up to 9.50 % APR
Age: from 18 years

Primjer: Uz zatraženi iznos 1.000,00 EUR na period od 150 dana, ukupan iznos sa svim pripadajućim troškovima iznosi 1.021,20 EUR, uz EKS 8,90%, iznos Premije 21,20 EUR te iznos mjesečne rate 204,24 EUR (5 rata).Minimalni period otplate kredita: 90 dana. Maksimalni period otplate kredita: 540 dana. Najveća EKS (Efektivna kamatna stopa): 9,50%. Nove korisnike ne tražimo platnu listu za iznose do 400 € na maksimalan rok do 30 dana! Po odobrenju kredita, pozajmice ili zajma Vaš novac će biti isplaćen direktno na račun.

Kratkoročni, Potrošački krediti, Iznos 50౼4000 EUR, Rok 15 dana ౼ 18 mjeseci, Kamatna stopa do 9.50 % EKS, Dob od 18 godina.


Short-term, Consumer credits

Amount: 50౼4000 EUR
Term: 15 days ౼ 18 months
Interest: up to 9.50 % APR
Age: from 18 years

Primjer: Uz zatraženi iznos 1.000,00 EUR na period od 150 dana, ukupan iznos sa svim pripadajućim troškovima iznosi 1.021,20 EUR, uz EKS 8,90%, iznos Premije 21,20 EUR te iznos mjesečne rate 204,24 EUR (5 rata).Minimalni period otplate kredita: 90 dana. Maksimalni period otplate kredita: 540 dana. Najveća EKS (Efektivna kamatna stopa): 9,50%. Već nakon 15 minuta od uspješne prijave vaša će pozajmica, krediti ili zajam online biti odobreni, a novac će biti prebačen na vaš račun.

Kratkoročni, Potrošački krediti, Iznos 50౼4000 EUR, Rok 15 dana ౼ 18 mjeseci, Kamatna stopa do 9.50 % EKS, Dob od 18 godina.

Important information
Važna informacija

All types of loans in Croatia are regulated by directives. Each credit company must have a special license for lending services in Croatia. Everything displayed on this page is only informative. We do not encourage or call upon anyone to take a loan. The administration of AllCredits does not bear any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from using the services provided by credit companies. It is important to understand that a loan is necessary and that it might help you regulate your financial situation, rather than drive you into debt. Make sure to read the contract of the credit company carefully. There you will find all the information of possible consequences and penalties in the case of a non-payment of the loan on time (from a poor credit history to litigation). Assess your opportunities soberly, borrow money responsible!

views: 8124
Comments: 2
  1. Tojidin says:

    Dobar dan, mogu li dobiti zajam?

    • admin says:

      Dobar dan, ako ste građanin Hrvatske, onda da, možete. Sve dostupne opcije nalaze se iznad na ovoj stranici.