
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
9.0/10 (2)



Amount: 300౼3000 EUR
Term: 1౼36 months
Interest: 34.68౼43.8 %
Age: 18౼70 years
Processing time: 5 min.
Registration: -

Piemērs: 500€ kredītlimits, minimālais mēneša maksājums no iztērētās summas 1%, Dienas procentu likme fiksēta 0.095% – 0,12%, GPL 41,20%, GPL aprēķins balstīts uz pieņēmumu, ka limits ir 500 EUR iztērēts, kredīts ir atmaksāts, ņemot vērā līguma noteikumus un to ka procentu likme dienā ir 0,095%.

HercusKarte – Freedom of Your Actions!

Why HercusKarte is the best choice? With a credit line HercusKarte You can pay any purchase, in any place where payment is accepted card. No commissions for the maintenance of the card. Only after making a purchase you will need to repay some of the amount spent and the percentage of its use. Combining the advantages of the world-famous Mastercard and credit line, AS LATEKO LĪZINGS created a completely new and modern offer – HercusKarte with a credit line.



Advantages of a HERCUS card with a credit line: Prompt review of an application, assignment of a credit line and execution of a Mastercard payment card; An updated credit limit for an unlimited period; Possibility to pay in installments and convenient to you schedule; HERCUS card is not tied to either the bank or the bank account; Cash withdrawal in ATMs.

phone Phone: 68806888
email Email: karte@latekolizings.lv
web Website: hercuskarte

What is a Hercus card with a credit line?

A cash loan of up to 3000 € with the possibility to pay for goods and services at any time and in any place where the Mastercard is accepted. You can pay the money you spend either directly or in parts.

Do I have to pay for application review and credit line assignment?

No, it’s free.

How much can I make on credit?

The amount of the credit line is assigned based on the customer’s income. The minimum amount is 300 EUR, the maximum is 3000 EUR.

How do I get a Hercus card?

You will receive a Hercus card within two weeks at the AS “LATEKO LĪZINGS” branch, by registered mail or courier mail.

How is the minimum monthly payment calculated?

The minimum payment is 5% of the amount spent (min 10 EUR) plus interest for use.

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