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Amount: 500౼12000 EUR
Term: 12౼84 months
Interest: 19.66౼41.23 % APR
Age: 21౼75 years
Processing time: 15 min.
Registration: -

Piemērs: Aizdevuma summa 2 000 EUR. Aizdevuma termiņš 24 mēn. Procentu likme 1.20% mēnesī jeb 14.40% gadā. 24 ikmēneša maksājumi 96.4 EUR apmērā. Ikmēneša maksājumā ietverta kredīta pamatsumma un procenti. Kopējā summa sastāv no kredīta summas 2200 EUR, un procentiem 313.6 EUR. GPL= 28.53%. GPL tika aprēķināta, pieņemot, ka visā līzinga līguma darbības laikā: fiksētā procentu likme gadā būs 14.4% (mēneša likme – 1.2%), kredīta (līzinga) kopējā summa – 2313.6, līzinga līguma darbības termiņš – 24 mēneši.

Primero – Quick loan for you!

Consumer loan up to 12,000 euros for up to 7 years. A couple of simple steps to realize your idea! Fill out the application form with information about yourself and select the most convenient form of identification. After concluding the agreement, we will remotely transfer the loan amount to you within a few minutes. Buy something planned or go on a trip – it’s your choice!



Each application is assessed individually. Once your application is received, our friendly customer service representatives will evaluate your application and respond within minutes. As a result of a positive response, after concluding the contract, you will receive money into your account within 30 minutes.

phone Phone: 37125333033
email Email:
web Website: primero

Consumer loan

Loan for individuals on the Internet. From 500 to 12,000 euros. Fast and easy application process. The loan can be used for any purpose. Confirm the agreement electronically, in a telephone conversation or in a branch.

Advantages of Primero consumer credit

Who hasn’t been in a situation when the need for additional financial resources arises – an urgent visit to the doctor, you need money for a larger purchase, the old wallpaper just can’t stand it and it’s time to renovate the house? Of course, the best solution in such a situation would be to draw funds from savings. But what if they are not there? We have a solution – now, in cooperation with Primero, you can also get an urgent consumer loan for individuals – up to 12,000 euros for up to 7 years, without collateral! Take out a consumer loan online, without collateral and without a down payment. No guarantors and a complicated, lengthy application process. This can be done quickly, conveniently and safely without leaving your home. Together with Primero you can start realizing your ideas today!

Conditions for obtaining a consumer loan

If you decide to take action and achieve your personal loan goal, applying for a Primero personal loan is very simple. All you have to do is select the required amount and desired repayment period and submit your application. The available loan amount is from 500 to 12,000 euros. The interest rate is determined for each client individually and based on official income, liabilities and the amount of the consumer loan. Individuals over 21 years of age can apply for a consumer loan. To apply for a consumer loan, you only need a passport, ID card, Smart ID or electronic signature. Additional payment protection insurance is available.

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