
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
5.5/10 (2)



Amount: 100౼5000 EUR
Term: 3౼60 months
Interest: 9.52౼52.26 % APR
Age: from 18 years
Processing time: 5 min.
Registration: -

Piemērs: Aizņemoties kredītlīnijas summu 500 EUR apmērā un to izmaksājot uz citu maksājumu kontu (komisija 0,95 EUR) un atmaksājot 12 mēnešu laika ar aizņēmuma likmi gadā 18.00%, gada procentu likme 20.09%, kopējā atmaksājamā summa pēc 12 mēnešiem ir 551.03 EUR.

Creditea – Credit line!

With Creditea, everything is very simple: a clear and understandable interest rate, all information is clearly presented in the application. Connect a line of credit in the Creditea app and find out what loan conditions we can offer you. The credit line will be directly linked to your Creditea payment card.



Unlike other types of loans, you do not need to fill out a new loan application each time to receive money. You just need to connect a line of credit in the Creditea application, and you will always have access to money. Our credit line can be used not only as an assistant in everyday transactions, but also for larger and, possibly, long-planned purchases.

phone Phone: 23778866
email Email:
web Website: creditea

How to connect a Creditea credit line?

First you need to download the free Creditea app. After registration is complete, you can connect a credit line in the “Credit” section of the application.

How is the minimum monthly payment calculated?

The minimum monthly payment is calculated by dividing the used amount by 60 months, but the amount cannot be less than 10 € per month. Don’t worry, if you use up to € 10, the invoice will be calculated based on the amount used.

Can I repay the used credit line faster?

Yes, you can always pay for the money used faster if you decide to make larger payments. By the way, this way you will save on the total amount of interest paid. There is no commission for expedited repayment, and you can pay for the amount used in the application itself.

How is the credit line repaid?

The most convenient and profitable way to pay the bill is through the app. When you receive your credit line invoice by email, go to your Creditea application and open the “Credit” section. Here you will see your invoice and you can conveniently pay it using the money on the account. Why is it more profitable? Because we will receive the payment immediately. And this will reduce the likelihood of being late in paying the bill due to the fact that the money is still in transit between the bank and Creditea.

Who can get a line of credit?

Credit line applications are accepted from residents of Latvia aged 18 and over. To obtain a credit limit, you need official and regular income, as well as a positive credit history. We will evaluate your solvency based on the information specified in the application, as well as data from public registers.

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