
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
5.7/10 (3)



Amount: 1000౼1000000 EUR
Term: 3౼180 months
Interest: from 9 % per year
Age: 18౼65 years
Processing time: 24 hours
Registration: -

Hipotekārais kredīts ir piemērots risinājums ikvienam, kam Latvijā pieder nekustamais īpašums. Tas ir ilgtermiņa aizdevums, kas tiek nodrošināts ar nekustamā īpašuma ķīlu. Kredīts tiek piešķirts līdz pat 75% apmērā no ķīlas tirgus vērtības un tiek izsniegts personām, kuru maksātspēja to ļauj, un kuras sasniegušas vismaz 18 gadu vecumu.

LatvijasHipoteka – Loans for Real Estate as a Collateral.

LatvijasHipoteka is a licensed non-bank lender, offering loans for real estate as a collateral. LatvijasHipoteka mission: to provide an opportunity for individuals and businesses in obtaining loans for a real estate collateral quickly and easily throughout the Latvian territory by offering a suitable interest rate. LatvijasHipoteka social responsibility: to improve the financial situation of the Latvian population, offering a suitable interest rates all over the Latvia, the most important thing is the well-being of the client.



Fast (24h) applications. Operational withdrawals. We provide an answer for each client individually. We employ only professionals. Clear contract conditions. Possible adjustments of the contract in the interests of a client. We help solve complex, non-standard financial problems. Completely simplified procedure over obtaining a loan.

phone Phone: 80009991
email Email:
web Website: latvijashipoteka

Loan for customer needs

Type of loan where the funds are issued to customer needs. Most often this type of loan chosen by the customers to realize their wishes (eg, travel, tuition costs), or cover unexpected expenses.


Re-crediting is an opportunity to combine existing loans and make payments to a single creditor. As well as the re-crediting of the existing loan with another creditor, with the ability to change the interest rate of the loan and the terms of payment in favor of the borrower.

Loan for business

Loan for starting the business or make existing business more effective.

Loan for housing repair

With this loan type you will be able to restore your residence or to implement large-scale construction work on your property. This loan is mostly chosen by the customers who want to do repair works in one of their properties.

Housing loan

Type of a loan, which is used to purchase a new housing. Most often this type of a loan is chosen by the customers who want to buy property in which they already reside, are renting it, or for a purchase of a completely new housing. The loan is issued for an already owned property as a real estate collateral.>

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